Green Rhythm


Green Rhythm is a unique competition that celebrates the rhythm of nature through songs and sounds of nature (example birds sound) that highlight the beauty of the environment. Our focus is on environmental themes, highlighting the wonders and beauty of the natural world.


Songs must relate strictly to the environment.

Team Composition

  • ·Teams: Up to 4 members
  • ·Individual participants are also accepted


  • ·Songs can be sourced from any music or books.
  • If using bird sounds, including the bird's name and photo or video is mandatory


  • Songs can be in English or Tamil or any other regional languages

Judging Criteria

Theme: Relevance to the environment and societal impact.

Emotional Appeal: Ability to attract and move the listener.

Strict Adherence: Must be about the environment.

Tune and Pronunciation: For original compositions, tune will be judged. For existing music, correct pronunciation and words will be evaluated.

Submission Guidelines

  • Format: Participants can send audio (mp3) or video (mp4) recordings (audio is mandatory) *.
  • Nature Sounds: For capturing sounds of nature, both audio and video recordings can be utilized.
  • Audios or videos without background noises are highly appreciated